Linking Policy
Linking Policy
Linking Policy
User And Content Agreement
User And Content Agreement
User And Content Agreement
Tell your family and friends:
The abusers who commit 95 percent of the sex acts against children are driven by an ongoing sex drive directed toward children.
We can identify the development of this disorder early - during the teenage years and even younger.
Some people with an ongoing sex drive directed toward children are not yet child molesters because they've never acted on their disorder.
We can drastically reduce most child sexual abuse by following a three-step plan that's been proven successful in conquering other public health problems.
Linking Policy
Linking Information
Hypertext Linking. CMRPI may grant the owner of an approved website permission to use a hyper-text link on his or her web site, provided: (a) any text-only link must clearly be marked “Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute;” (b) the link must “point” to the URL and not to other pages within the Website; (c) the appearance, position and other aspects of either the link or the host website may not be such as to damage or dilute the goodwill associated with CMRPI’s name and trademarks; (d) the appearance, position and other aspects of either the link or the host website may not create the false appearance that an entity other than CMRPI is associated with or sponsored by CMRPI; (e) the link, when activated by a user, must display this Website full-screen and not with a “frame” on the linked website; and (f) CMRPI reserves the right to revoke its consent to the link at any time in its sole discretion by amending this User Agreement
CMRPI is not responsible for the information or materials contained on the host website. Links to this Website are provided for convenience of reference only and are not intended as an endorsement by CMRPI of the organization or individual operating the host website or a warranty of any type regarding the host website or the information on the host website.