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Tell your family and friends:
The abusers who commit 95 percent of the sex acts against children are driven by an ongoing sex drive directed toward children.
We can identify the development of this disorder early - during the teenage years and even younger.
Some people with an ongoing sex drive directed toward children are not yet child molesters because they've never acted on their disorder.
We can drastically reduce most child sexual abuse by following a three-step plan that's been proven successful in conquering other public health problems.
Child Sexual Abuse: A New Model for School Counselor Consultations
by Gretchen Turner, Nora Harlow, and Whitney Gabriel.
An article published in the Fall 2003 Vol2 No4 issue of Georgia School Counselors Association Journal.
You will need a PDF Reader like Adobe Acrobat to view and print the study.
The Stop Child Molestation Book:
What Ordinary People Can Do In Their Everyday Lives To Save Three Million Children
by Gene G. Abel, M.D. and Nora Harlow (Xlibris, December 2001). Order here.